Ocala Municipal Code Enforcement Board Agenda -
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Meeting Information
On behalf of the Municipal Code Enforcement Board we would
like to take this opportunity to welcome you to these
proceedings and provide you with some information concerning
this Board. This Board is established under the guidelines of
the City of Ocala Code of Ordinances, Section 2-241 and
Florida Statute 162.01 through 162.30. The Board consists of
seven members (four are required to make a quorum) all are
volunteers, who work without payment, or compensation, and
are appointed by the City Council.
City Hall
Council Chambers - Second Floor
110 SE Watula Avenue
5:30 PM
Board Members
Edward Ferrentino
Michael Gartner
Michael Kroitor
Camellia Loojune
Darrell O'Kain
The qualifications to be a Board Member are that you must be a
City of Ocala resident, and whenever possible; members shall
include an Architect, a businessman, an Engineer, a General
Contractor, a Sub-Contractor, and a Realtor, all from the
community. Each Board Member serves a three-year term,
commencing February 28th of each year. The Board meets on
the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 P.M., as necessary,
however is required to meet at least once every two months.
Kevin Steiner
Shirley J. Wright
Board Attorney
Kristi Vanvleet
The Board is empowered to examine City of Ocala Code of
Ordinance violations. The Board works in a fashion similar to a
judicial process, cases are presented from the agenda, testimony
and evidence is given, and the Board makes a ruling. The Board
can levy fines, require payment of administrative costs, and
place liens on personal property if violations are not corrected.
We respectfully request that you respect this process as you
yourself expect to be respected by the process.
Dale Hollingsworth
Manager, Code Enforcement
Jennipher Buller
Supervisor, Code Enforcement
Yvette Grillo
Code Enforcement Specialist
Shaneka Greene
Code Enforcement Specialist
Decisions of this Board are appealed to the Circuit Court of
Marion County; such an appeal shall not be a hearing de novo
(not all over again, or in-person) but shall be limited to
appellate review of the record created before the enforcement
board. An appeal shall be filed within 30 days of the execution
of the order to be appealed. Any person who desires to appeal
an administrative decision of the Board will need a record of the
proceedings, and for this purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made that includes the
testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is made.
If special accommodations are needed for
you to attend or participate in this meeting,
please call 352-629-8309, forty-eight (48)
hours in advance, so arrangements can be