Ocala Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
Agenda - Final
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Meeting Information
All members of the public are invited to attend. If reasonable
accommodations are needed for you to participate in this
meeting, please call (352) 629-8322 forty-eight (48) hours in
advance so that arrangements can be made.
Ocala City Hall
110 SE Watula Avenue
Second Floor - Council Chambers
Ocala, Florida
Any person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting
will need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose may
need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made that includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is made.
1:00 PM
Committee Members
Gwendolyn Dawson
Kristen Dreyer
Jeff Hill
Tasha Osbourne, Vice Chair
Rob Peters
Davida Randolph
Henry Samuels
Cory Weaver, Chair
James Haynes, Jr.
Community Development Services
Natalia Cox
Administrative Coordinator
Ailin Abboud
Intake Specialist
Bessie Morley
Intake Specialist
Christopher Lewis
Rehabilitation/Inspection Specialist