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  For historical data from all meetings prior to January 18, 2022, please refer to our archived meeting repository.

Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/18/2025 4:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Ocala City Hall 110 SE Watula Avenue Second Floor - Council Chambers Ocala, Florida
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra2: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleMotionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-0871 4a.ProclamationPresentation of the Mayor’s Citizen Recognition Award to Michael Hoffmann   Not available Not available
2025-0935 4b.ProclamationPresentation of the Procurement Month Proclamation to the Director of Procurement and Contracting Officer Daphne Robinson and staff members   Not available Not available
2025-0902 4c.ProclamationService Award - Deputy Fire Chief Richard Lietz - 25 Years of Service   Not available Not available
BR-2025-136 6a.Budget ResolutionAdopt Budget Resolution 2025-136 amending the Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget to accept and appropriate funds from the Department of Justice in the amount of $10,000   Not available Not available
2025-0941 6b.Agenda ItemApprove an Affordable Housing Agreement with Next Dimension Builders to construct and sell an affordable housing unit on a surplus property (parcel number 2260-147-016) in West Ocala   Not available Not available
2025-0942 6c.Agenda ItemApprove an Affordable Housing Agreement with Next Dimension Builders to construct and sell an affordable housing unit on surplus property (parcel number 2260-149-015) located in West Ocala   Not available Not available
2025-0943 6d.Agenda ItemApprove an Affordable Housing Agreement with Next Dimension Builders to construct and sell an affordable housing unit on a surplus property (parcel number 22555-000-00) in West Ocala   Not available Not available
BR-2025-137 6e.Budget ResolutionAdopt Budget Resolution 2025-137 amending the Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget to accept and appropriate 2023-24 State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program disaster relief funding in the amount of $15,404   Not available Not available
2025-0944 6f.Agenda ItemRatify the signature of the City Manager on the 2023 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Continuum of Care Program Funding Competition Grant Agreement for Coordinated Entry supportive services totaling $71,023   Not available Not available
BR-2025-138 6g.Budget ResolutionAdopt Budget Resolution 2025-138 amending the Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget to accept and appropriate funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Marion County’s Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry 2022-2023 program year grant in the amount of $71,023   Not available Not available
2025-0945 6h.Agenda ItemApprove a three-year renewal of the online training platform, KnowBe4, with an estimated aggregate expenditure of $95,102   Not available Not available
RES-2025-15 6i.ResolutionAdopt Resolution 2025-15 approving Amendment #1 to Public Transportation Grant Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation to include design of Taxiway C, C1, and C3   Not available Not available
2025-0946 6j.Agenda ItemApprove one year renewal with Bound Tree Medical, LLC, Henry Schein, Inc., and Life Assist, Inc., for the provision of emergency medical services supplies with an aggregate contract expenditure amount of $60,000   Not available Not available
2025-0947 6k.Agenda ItemApprove award of a piggyback agreement to Life Extension Clinics, Inc., for the provision of firefighter physical examinations with an estimated aggregate expenditure of $84,000   Not available Not available
2025-0948 6l.Agenda ItemApprove one-year software renewal with Granicus, LLC, for Legistar meeting and agenda services in the amount of $68,895   Not available Not available
2025-0949 6m.Agenda ItemApprove a one-year renewal of the contract with Priority Dispatch Corporation with an estimated expenditure of $86,700   Not available Not available
2025-0950 6n.Agenda ItemApprove minutes from March 4, 2025 City Council meeting   Not available Not available
2025-0924 9a.OrdinanceAdopt Ordinance 2025-18 to change the Future Land Use designation on approximately 12.81 acres for property located at 3001 NE 21st Street (Parcel 24264-001-04) and the parcel directly to the east (Parcel 24264-000-00) from Employment Center to Public (Case LUC25-0002) (Quasi-Judicial)   Not available Not available
2025-0925 9b.OrdinanceAdopt Ordinance 2025-19 to rezone approximately 12.81 acres for the property located at 3001 NE 21st Street (Parcel 24262-001-04) and the parcel directly to the east (Parcel 24264-000-00) from M-1, Light Industrial, to G-U, Governmental Use (Case ZON25-0002) (Quasi-Judicial)   Not available Not available
2025-0926 9c.OrdinanceAdopt Ordinance 2025-20 to change the Future Land Use designation on approximately 12.42 acres for property located in the 1800 block of SW 15th Avenue (Parcel 23656-017-00 and 23656-017-16) from Employment to Public (Case LUC25-0001) (Quasi-Judicial)   Not available Not available
2025-0927 9d.OrdinanceAdopt Ordinance 2025-21 to rezone approximately 12.42 acres for property located in the 1800 block of SW 15th Avenue (Parcel 23656-017-00 and 23656-017-16) from M-1, Light Industrial (City) to G-U, Governmental Use (City) (Case ZON25-0001) (Quasi-Judicial)   Not available Not available
2025-0951 10a.Agenda ItemApprove a three-year agreement with Accelerated Technology Laboratories, LLC, for the Laboratory Information Systems platform, Confience, for an estimated aggregate expenditure of $114,850   Not available Not available
2025-0952 10b.Agenda ItemApprove a one-year renewal contract with UKG for the City's time management software, UKG Pro, with ongoing maintenance costs for an estimated expenditure amount of $123,750   Not available Not available
2025-0953 10c.Agenda ItemApprove agreement with Dinkins Construction LLC for design-build services for Fire Station No. 8 in the amount of $4,213,901, plus a 10 percent contingency amount of $421,391, for a total expenditure of $4,635,292   Not available Not available
BR-2025-139 10d.Budget ResolutionAdopt Budget Resolution 2025-139 to amend the Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget to transfer funds from reserve for fund balance accounts to provide additional funding for the construction of Fire Station No. 8 in the amount of $1,256,081   Not available Not available
2025-0954 10e.Agenda ItemApprove one-year renewal of the contract with C.W. Roberts Contracting, Inc. for the Parking Lot Improvement Program with an aggregate expenditure amount not to exceed $500,000   Not available Not available
2025-0955 10f.Agenda ItemApprove additional expenditures under and a one-year renewal of the contract with Carmeuse Lime & Stone, Inc., for supply and delivery of quicklime in the aggregate amount of $2,133,000   Not available Not available
2025-0956 10g.Agenda ItemRatify the signature of the City Manager on the 2023 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Continuum of Care Program Funding Competition Grant Agreement for Homeless Management Information System software and personnel totaling $209,173   Not available Not available
BR-2025-140 10h.Budget ResolutionAdopt Budget Resolution 2025-140 amending the Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget to accept and appropriate funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Marion County’s Continuum of Care Homeless Management Information System 2022-2023 program year grant in the amount of $209,173   Not available Not available
2025-0888 17a.Informational ItemsMonthly budget to actual report and Capital Improvement Project status report as of January 31, 2025   Not available Not available