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  For historical data from all meetings prior to January 18, 2022, please refer to our archived meeting repository.

Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/7/2025 4:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Ocala City Hall 110 SE Watula Avenue Second Floor - Council Chambers Ocala, Florida
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra2: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleMotionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-0329 4a.ProclamationPresentation of the National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month Proclamation to Ocala Police Department Detective Crystal Blanton and Advocate Donna Guinn, and to Marion County Sheriff’s Office Detectives Osthed Henrik and Nicholas Sutliff   Not available Not available
2025-0425 4b.ProclamationPresentation of the National Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists’ Week Proclamation to Ocala CRNA and resident Donna Varadin   Not available Not available
2025-0433 4c.ProclamationPresentation of the Marion County’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Day Proclamation to Dwanette Dilworth and Paola Leaman   Not available Not available
2025-0421 6a.Agenda ItemApprove additional expenditures under the agreement for city-wide printer and copier services in the estimated amount of $90,000   Not available Not available
2025-0422 6b.Agenda ItemApprove a five-year contract with five one-year renewals to provide network services to the School Board of Marion County with revenue in the amount of $6,960,000   Not available Not available
2025-0436 6c.Agenda ItemApprove the administrative costs for SunTran’s Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget as required by Section 341.071 of the Florida Statutes   Not available Not available
2025-0432 6d.Agenda ItemApprove November 2024 outside counsel invoices for general city business legal services in the amount of $648   Not available Not available
2025-0444 6e.Agenda ItemApproval of and authorization to execute First Amendment to Developer’s Agreement between the City of Ocala, Florida and Sunbelt Land Fund I-Ocala South, LLC   Not available Not available
2025-0441 6f.Agenda ItemApprove appointment of Rick Gullett to the Utility Advisory Board for the remainder of an unexpired four-year term ending March 1, 2026   Not available Not available
2025-0443 6g.Agenda ItemApprove appointment of Joshua DeMonte to the Ocala Historic Preservation Advisory Board for the remainder of an unexpired three-year term ending March 1, 2026   Not available Not available
2025-0490 6h.Agenda ItemApprove City Council meeting minutes from December 17, 2024   Not available Not available
ORD-2025-15 8a.OrdinanceIntroduce Ordinance 2025-15 to rezone 1.14 acres from R-2, Two-Family Residential, to R-3, Multi-Family Residential, for property located in the 700 block of SW Third Street (Parcel 2848-002-001) (Case: ZON24-0003) (Quasi-Judicial)   Not available Not available
RES-2025-9 9a.ResolutionAdopt Resolution 2025-9 to amend the Florida Professional Park (formerly known as Shady Road) Planned Unit Development, to amend a note prohibiting parking in the front yard along SW 34th Street Road (also known as SW 24th Avenue) relating to a 2.78-acre property located northwest of intersection at SW 32nd Place and SW 24th Avenue (Case No. PH24-0001) (Quasi-Judicial)   Not available Not available
2025-0115 10a.Agenda ItemApprove Task Work Order #39 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the provision of engineering services related to the update of the City’s Wastewater Master Plan in the amount of $117,000   Not available Not available
2025-0328 10b.Agenda ItemApprove award of a five-year contract to A.C.M.S., Inc. d/b/a Heart of Florida Environmental for the disposal of City wastewater treatment plant biosolids in their landfill with an aggregate expenditure of $2,867,850   Not available Not available
2025-0332 10c.Agenda ItemApprove one-year renewal of Construction Services Agreement with Miller Pipeline, LLC, for Water Resources Improvement Program Projects in the amount of $2,000,000   Not available Not available
2025-0164 10d.Agenda ItemApprove a six-month contract with Marcum Enterprises, LLC, for sidewalk maintenance and repair projects with a maximum expenditure of $236,012   Not available Not available
2025-0321 10e.Agenda ItemApprove the purchase of 14 R-Mag circuit breakers for various substations from WESCO Distribution in the amount of $608,153   Not available Not available
2025-0378 10f.Agenda ItemApprove a professional services agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the provision of design services for SunTran transit facility site and building improvements in the amount of $368,247   Not available Not available
2025-0380 10g.Agenda ItemApprove the award of a piggyback agreement to Ring Power Corporation for the purchase of a National 20-ton boom crane truck in the amount of $302,069   Not available Not available
2025-0418 10h.Agenda ItemApprove the purchase of emergency audio/visual warning devices utilizing a Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with East Coast Emergency, Inc., with an aggregate expenditure of $300,000   Not available Not available
2025-0420 10i.Agenda ItemApprove a two-year contract award to American Cable Electric, LLC, for the provision of underground conduit installation services in the aggregate amount of $1,600,000   Not available Not available
BR-2025-124 10j.Budget ResolutionAdopt Budget Resolution 2025-124 amending the Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget to appropriate the City of Ocala’s Community Development Block Grant allocation totaling $501,396   Not available Not available
2025-0416 17a.Informational ItemsPower Cost Adjustment Report - November 2024   Not available Not available
2025-0438 17b.Informational ItemsExecuted Contracts Under $50,000   Not available Not available