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File #: RES-2025-10   
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/8/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/21/2025 Final action:
Title: Adopt Resolution 2025-10 to abrogate approximately 0.06 acres of the eastern 164 feet of the alley between SW Second Avenue and SW Third Avenue (Parcel 2854-025-010) (Case: ABR23-45350) (Quasi-Judicial)
Attachments: 1. 2025 Staff Report ABR23-45350, 2. ABR23-45350_CaseMap Domach Abrogation, 3. ABR23-45350_AerialMap Domach Abrogation, 4. PZ-Minutes 11-13-23, 5. ABR23-45350 Public Comment 1
Date Action ByMotionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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Submitted By: Kristina Wright
Presentation By: Aubrey Hale
Department: Growth Management

Adopt Resolution 2025-10 to abrogate approximately 0.06 acres of the eastern 164 feet of the alley between SW Second Avenue and SW Third Avenue (Parcel 2854-025-010) (Case: ABR23-45350) (Quasi-Judicial)

Economic Hub


* Petitioner: Navroz F Saju
* Property Owner: City of Ocala
* Agent: Davis L Dinkins, P.E., Dinkins Engineering & Surveying, LLC

Key Points:
The subject alley, owned by the City of Ocala, is a 14-foot-wide alleyway historically used by the city for service access and utilities. Domach, LLC., owns the property on either side of the alley.

The subject 14-foot alley includes city underground utilities that are in the process of being relocated. The northern portion of the property was formerly a repair garage doing business as European Car Clinic while the southern portion served as a surface parking lot.

Zoning and Land Use Details:
The portion of the subject alley being vacated runs east and west between SW Third Avenue and SW Second Avenue just south of SR 40 in the downtown area. The alley and surrounding area are located within the Form Based Code (FBC) zoning district and have an underlying land use of High Intensity/Central Core. The property is also within the Downtown Community Redevelopment Area. The applicant is requesting to abrogate the subject alley to allow for redevelopment of the property north and south of the intervening alley.

Planning & Zoning Commission:
The Planning & Zoning Commission approved this abrogation on November 13, 2023. The request never moved forward to the City Council while ownership issues were resolved. As the initial hearing occurred more than one year ago, another public hearing is necessary.

Staff presented the abrogation request to the Planning and Zoning Comm...

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