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File #: 2025-0502   
Type: Agenda Item Status: Passed
File created: 1/2/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action: 3/4/2025
Title: Approve agreement with Platform Group, LLC for design-build services for the Ocala Skate Park Expansion Project in the amount of $884,561, plus a 10 percent contingency amount of $88,457, for a total expenditure of $973,018
Attachments: 1. FOR COUNCIL - Professional Services Agreement for Design Build Servicees - Skate Park (ENG-240466), 2. Exhibit A - Scope of Work, 3. Exhibit B - Design Criteria Package, 4. Exhibit C - Existing As-Built Drawings, 5. Exhibit D - Proposal, 6. Exhibit E - Project Schedule, 7. Exhibit F - Price Proposal, 8. 8-23-2024 - Proof of Publication - Ocala Gazette #3, 9. 11-20-2024 Notice of Intent to Award
Related files: BR-2025-135

Submitted By: Eric Giannino


Presentation By: Sean Lanier


Department: Engineering



Approve agreement with Platform Group, LLC for design-build services for the Ocala Skate Park Expansion Project in the amount of $884,561, plus a 10 percent contingency amount of $88,457, for a total expenditure of $973,018



Quality of Place, Operational Excellence


Bid released to the public: 8/21/2024: Newspaper ad published 8/23/2024



Opened in December 2018, the Ocala Skate Park is a 6.02-acre facility located at Tuscawilla Park in the heart of Ocala’s developing downtown.  The Skate Park is open daily from sunrise to 10:00 p.m. and, in addition to its existing 10,000-square-foot street course, offers a dedicated parking lot, public art, and picnic areas for its patrons.




On August 21, 2024, the City issued Request for Proposals (“RFP”) No. ENG/240466 seeking competitive proposals from qualified professional design-build teams to provide conceptual and final designs, construction documents, and construction services for the completion of the Ocala Skate Park Expansion Project (the “Project”). This Project includes the construction of four new recreational phases for the Ocala Skate Park.


On September 25, 2024, the City received one qualified and responsive proposal from Platform Group, LLC (“Platform Group”). A Selection Committee met on October 30, 2024, to evaluate the qualifications and experience of the proposer, and again on November 20, 2024, to evaluate project understanding, design and construction approach, and project cost and feasibility.  After oral presentations, the Selection Committee recommended an award to Platform Group, LLC.




Ocala Skate Park Expansion Phases B, C, D, and E are projected to be completed in December 2025.


Phase B - Intermediate Bowl

Phase C - Snake Run

Phase D - Large Bowl

Phase E - Beginner Area


The Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Ocala Skate Park Expansion for all remaining Phases is $884,561.  Staff recommends approval of the award of the contract for the GMP for all phases, plus a 10 percent contingency of $88,457, to allow the City Engineer to approve change orders for unknown conditions or other issues that might arise during the design and construction of the project.



$500,000 in funding for the project was included in the adopted Fiscal Year 2024-25 in 620-016-146-572-69-65010.  Additional funds totaling $473,018 will be transferred from the General Fund Reserve for Projects account to 001-021-146-572-69-65010 on an accompanying budget resolution on the same agenda.



These services were procured in compliance with the City’s Procurement Policy.



This Agreement will be reviewed and approved for form and legality by City Attorney, William E. Sexton.



                     Approve with Changes

