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File #: 2025-0558   
Type: Minutes Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/17/2025 In control: Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
On agenda: 1/29/2025 Final action:
Title: December 4, 2024 Minutes
Attachments: 1. December 4, 2024 Minutes
Date Action ByMotionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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AHAC Minutes - Meeting: December 4th, 2024


Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) meeting called to order on December 4, 2024, at 2:38 pm by AHAC Member Councilwoman Kristen Dreyer in the City of Ocala Council Chambers. She requested roll call.


Present: Kristin Dreyer, Tasha Osborne, Rob Peters, Jeff Hill. Absent/Excused: Gwendolyn Dawson, Henry Samuels, Cory Weaver.


Proof of Public Notice was read into the record and was posted on Tuesday, November 19th, 2024, on the City of Ocala Community Development Services (CDS) website.


Agenda Item #3 skipped due to a lack of quorum.

Mr. James Haynes, Director, City of Ocala Community Development Services (CDS), thanked the Committee for attending this meeting to address agenda items and end of year reports. He also thanked Councilwoman Dreyer for officiating the meeting in the Chair’s absence and congratulated her for the City Council presidency.

Agenda Item 4: Affordable Housing Projects Update: Mr. Haynes shared before and after pictures of the Darryl Williams rehabilitation project. He explained the overall process and the goal of CDS to provide an upstanding home for the applicant and family members.

2:42 pm: Davida Randolph joined the meeting. Quorum met.

Agenda Item 3: Approval of September 25, 2024 Minutes: Councilwoman Dreyer returned to Agenda Item 3 and requested a Motion to approve;  First: Osbourne; Seconded by Peters. Unanimously approved (5-0).

Agenda Item 5: Surplus Lots Strategy Update: Mr. Haynes mentioned that one of the initiatives the Committee came up with to assist with the production of affordable housing units was for the City to use its surplus lots. The original list had 61 lots; 13 lots will be transferred over to not-for-profit developers; 3 lots are being viewed by a for profit developer; 2 lots are set aside for Habitat for Humanity; and 2 lots are set aside for the Ocala Housing Authority. The goal is to bid at least 1/3 of the lots by the end of the calendar year. The goal is to develop the lots with smaller single-family projects. Maximum selling price: $255,000. They have 18 months to build and 18 months to get them sold.

Mr. Haynes indicated that the City is currently applying for a $4M grant for a 0% mortgage program with $2M going towards housing rehabilitation to be conducted in Tucker Hill. The idea is to partner with a non-profit that will service the mortgage for the City, work with a builder to keep the cost affordable, and partner with the Housing Authority’s pool of people in their FSS and Section 8 homeownership program. Housing maintenance and financial planning classes will be part of the process in collaboration with NHDC, OHA and United Way.

Ms. Randolph mentioned the struggle to get lenders to come on board to buy into the Section 8 Homeownership Program. Discussion ensued. Ms. Osbourne said the struggle has to do with no guaranteed continuation. Mr. Hill mentioned parameters by Fannie and Freddie Mac, conventional loan programs and federal guidelines.

Councilwoman Dreyer if there were any recommendations for a lender. Discussion ensued. Hill mentioned product portfolios. Osbourne mentioned Florida Credit Union who is a non-profit and they charge interest. Randolph mentioned the City and County SHIP funds to assist with lowering the downpayment costs.

Agenda Item 6: Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER): Mr. Haynes explained that the CAPER is an annual report that must be submitted to the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) at the end of the year. It tracks our housing program performance, what CDBG monies are spent on and the local housing plan. It will be presented to the City Council on December 17th. The report is 20 pages long, and it covers a timeframe (HUD Program Year) from October 1st, 2024 through September 30th, 2024. CDBG monies were spent on twelve (12) housing rehabilitations; 2 demolitions and 1 vacant lot acquisition. Mr. Haynes went through the highlights of the report. Public Services CDBG CV assistance went to Boys & Girls Club with 293 assisted (original goal was 250 people); 8 business were assisted through the Economic Development Program through the CEP; 7,000 meals were provided through Meals on Wheels. Mr. Haynes shared income levels, demographics assisted, and homeless efforts, and he indicated he would share a hard copy of the report with the Committee.

Mr. Peters inquired about the HOME allotment for this year since a 40% cut is expected. Mr. Haynes explained the partnership with the County and the HOME grant generalities - funds used for rebuilds and costly rehabs. Expected allotment +/- $300K.

Agenda Item 7: AHAC Annual Report: Mr. Haynes mentioned that the report is presented to City Council. A three-year cycle was decided by the Committee to review the report and change initiatives. He went through the different pages of the report. Discussion ensued.

Councilwoman Dreyer asked what is the difference in setback requirements for lots of record. Aubrey Hale, Planning Director provided insight on flexible lot considerations on page 5 of the report. No significant differences. Vision 2050 steps/timeline were explained as it pertains to affordable housing. The Zoning Code needs to be amended (not fully amended since the 80s). A comprehensive overview will be considered. Discussion ensued to include density, lot sizes, lots of record ownership, title searches and zero lot lines.

The AHAC recommended the following changes:

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Incentive Strategy (a) Expedited process of development approvals

Remove from 2024 recommendations: “Establish an affordable housing liaison that will work on behalf of both the City and the contractor/developer to get request quickly through the permitting process.”

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Incentive Strategy (g) Flexible lot considerations

Add to 2024 recommendations: “Modification to lots of record definition in the current Zoning Code to be able to build on a lot (minimum of 40 feet) without the requirement of having a prior structure on it.”

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Incentive Strategy (j) Surplus lands inventory

Revise 2024 recommendations: “Update the surplus land inventory more frequently than the 3 years that is the current practice annually.

Meeting adjourned at 3:41 pm.                     
