Submitted By: Marie Mesadieu
Presentation By: Roberto Ellis
Department: Growth Management

Approve an East Ocala Community Redevelopment Agency commercial building improvement grant for property located at 2436 East Silver Springs Boulevard, in an amount not to exceed $17,290

Economic Hub, Quality of Place


BACKGROUND: The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) East Ocala subarea Commercial Building Improvement Grant encourages business owners to make exterior facade improvements. This initiative addresses deterioration trends, adding value to the CRA.
The attached grant framework outlines the elements of eligible work. Each property owner can submit one application per fiscal year. The maximum amount that can be awarded is $20,000, covering up to 60 percent of the project costs.
Below is a summary of the application.
Grant Application ID #: CRA24-0010
Applicant: Ken MacKay and Cindy MacKay
(Messa De Notte Restaurant)
Address: 2436 East Silver Springs Boulevard
Parcel ID: 28334-005-00
Project description: The grant request is to pressure wash and repaint the building’s exterior, make landscape improvements, including installing handmade planters filled with various flowers, reseal and restripe the parking lot, and install a new wooden fence next to the restaurant's back entrance.
Low Quote: $28,817
Recommended grant amount: $17,290
FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: The application was reviewed and processed in accordance with the grant program guidelines and evaluation criteria.
• This is an existing Italian restaurant that was built in 1971. The applicants acquired it in June 2024.
• The property is located along East Silver Springs Boulevard, one of the main corridors in the East Ocala CRA. The proposed improvements will significantly enhance the building’s appearance and prominence along the corridor. This improvement aligns with the purpose of the grant program and the East Ocala Community Redevelopment Area Plan (2016).
• The new paint palettes will be Aged White as the base and Black of Night as the trim. The East Ocala CRA Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) reviewed and approved the colors.
• The East Ocala Grant Review Committee (GRC) visited the site on December 10, 2024, and recommended approval of the request.
• The application was initially presented to the Advisory Committee on January 15, 2025, and it was recommended for approval.
• The applicants requested to revise the scope of work to include the cost of the planters for the landscaping improvements. The project cost and recommended grant amount have been updated to reflect the revision.
• The application was presented a second time to the Advisory Committee on February 26, 2025, and they recommended grant approval.
• Mr. Greg Blair, a member of the Advisory Committee, had a potential conflict of interest for this application and did not vote on the approval decision. The signed conflict of interest form is attached.
• This grant covers up to 60 percent of the actual project costs. Staff recommends approval of the grant in an amount not to exceed $17,290.
FISCAL IMPACT: There is adequate funding for the grants being considered at this meeting. The East Ocala CRA grants account (620-016-559-559-55-82010) has a balance of $368,513. The payment will be made in the fiscal year when the project is completed.
• Approve with changes.
• Table
• Deny