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File #: 2025-0736   
Type: Informational Items Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/14/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Informational item regarding the emergency purchase of two 500kW mobile generators from Cummins in the amount of $594,416
Attachments: 1. Cummins Approve Edits - Q-361202-20250203-1042- Ocala Fleet Portables- 500KW, 2. Sourcewell -Cummins_Contract_092222, 3. Sourcewell final pricing submission_2025, 4. Approval of Exception Request, 5. Writen Authorization from Whitehead
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Submitted By: Christina Guy

Presentation By: John King


Department: Fleet

STAFF RECOMMENDATION (Informational Item Only):


Informational item regarding the emergency purchase of two 500kW mobile generators from Cummins in the amount of $594,416



Operational Excellence





The City of Ocala’s Water Resources Department requires mobile generators to ensure the continued operation of critical infrastructure during power outages. These generators provide backup power to lift stations, water treatment facilities, and other essential systems, preventing service disruptions and potential environmental hazards.



The City’s existing backup power resources are limited, and delays in power restoration could result in operational failures. The purchase of these mobile generators will enhance the City's emergency preparedness and resilience, ensuring uninterrupted service to residents and businesses.

Fleet purchased two portable 500kW generators from Cummins for $594,416, utilizing Sourcewell Contract 092222-CMM. This purchase will safeguard critical infrastructure and maintain reliable public services during power outages.

As a political subdivision of the State of Florida, the City of Ocala qualifies as an eligible user of Sourcewell cooperative purchasing agreements to procure goods.  Sourcewell Contract No. 092222-CMM was utilized to purchase the necessary generators for the Project and these goods have been competitively solicited by Sourcewell, a State of Minnesota agency and service cooperative, and evaluated and determined by the City’s Procurement Department to be cost effective and to afford the City best value. 

Facilities Management sought a procurement exception to purchase the generators on an expedited emergency basis.  Pursuant to Procurement Policy PRO-070, emergency purchases may be authorized where: (1) there is an unforeseen or unanticipated urgent and immediate need; and (2) compelling the utilization of standard procurement procedures would hinder the protection of public policy, result in the disruption of essential City Operations, and/or result in the City suffering a sufficient loss.  The Procurement and Contracting Officer approved the exception request after receiving written authorization for the purchase from the City Manager’s Office.  This Informational Item advising City Council of the procurement has been calendared in compliance with Procurement Policy PRO-070.


Funding for this purchase is available and encumbered in account 308-030-483-535-53-46010 - WR Lift Station Improvements Repair & Maintenance.


These goods were procured in compliance with the City’s Procurement Policy.


N/A. The terms and conditions in the City’s Purchase Order will govern this purchase.



                     Approve with Changes

