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File #: 2025-0898   
Type: CRA Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/3/2025 In control: Community Redevelopment Area Agency Board
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve an East Ocala Community Redevelopment Agency residential property improvement grant for property located at 926 NE Fifth Street, in an amount not to exceed $20,000
Attachments: 1. CRA24-0009 - 926 NE 5th Street, 2. Ocala CRA - East Ocala Subarea Residential Property Improvement Grant Framework
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Submitted By: Marie Mesadieu


Presentation By: Roberto Ellis


Department: Growth Management



Approve an East Ocala Community Redevelopment Agency residential property improvement grant for property located at 926 NE Fifth Street, in an amount not to exceed $20,000



Economic Hub, Quality of Place




BACKGROUND:  The East Ocala Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) residential property improvement grant encourages homeowners to make exterior facade improvements, addressing neighborhood deterioration trends while adding value to the CRA.


The attached grant framework outlines the elements of eligible work. Each property owner can submit one application per fiscal year. The maximum amount that can be awarded is $20,000, covering up to 75 percent of the project costs. 


Below is a summary of the application.


Grant Application ID #:                                                                                    CRA24-0009

Applicant:                                                                                                                              Loretta Wheeler and David Wheeler

Address:                                                                                                                              926 NE Fifth Street

Parcel ID:                                                                                                                              2831-104-000

Project Description:                     Replace the shingle roof with a metal roof and replace the HVAC system

Low Quote:                                                                                                                              $31,275

Recommended Grant Amount:                                                               Not to exceed $20,000.



FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS:  City staff reviewed and processed the application following the grant program guidelines and evaluation criteria. The key findings are outlined below:


                     The home was built in 1953, and the applicants acquired it in 1993.

                     The roof is showing heavy wear and needs to be replaced. The roof type will change from shingle to metal.

                     The new roof will be easier to maintain and will improve the visual appearance of the home and the community.

                     The gas-powered HVAC system is not functional. The applicants will replace it with an electric one. The new HVAC will improve the occupants' living conditions.

                     These improvements are included in the priority work elements shown in the East Ocala CRA grant framework. The application meets the grant program requirements and is eligible for consideration.

                     Per the East Ocala Redevelopment Plan, 1,392 structures, representing approximately 68.4 percent of the structures in the East Ocala CRA, have issues concerning the quality of the structure.

                     The Grant Review Committee (GRC) visited the property on December 10, 2024, to inspect and review the project.

                     The East Ocala CRA Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) met on February 26, 2025, and recommended grant approval.


The attached packet includes the application, cost estimates, and photographs of existing conditions. Staff recommends approval of the grant in an amount not to exceed $20,000.


FISCAL IMPACT: There is adequate funding for the grants being considered at this meeting. The East Ocala CRA grants account (620-016-559-559-55-82010) has a balance of $368,513. The payment will be made in the fiscal year when the project is completed.







                     Approve with changes.

